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Productos AS-B, Edge Server, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Project Configuration Tool
Funcionalidades: Tendencias
Versión del producto: 2023

Variable Triggered Trend Logs

​The variable triggered trend log records the variable when the conditions of the associated trigger variable are met. Use this type of trend log when the log interval is scheduled to log monthly or yearly, or when another device is used to trigger the log.

For example, in the figure below, the variable triggered trend log records a variable every time the associated trigger variable, for example, a switch, changes to true. The records are printed in a trend chart. Notice that the variable triggered trend log records the variable without any regard to time or delta.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Variable triggered trend log schematic
Figura: Variable triggered trend log schematic

You can configure the trend log to collect data when the trigger value changes to True, changes to False, or All changes.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Trigger variable changes to true
Figura: Trigger variable changes to true
action_zoom_plus_stroke Trigger variable changes to false
Figura: Trigger variable changes to false
action_zoom_plus_stroke Trigger variable all changes
Figura: Trigger variable all changes
Variable triggered trend log meter functionality

A variable triggered trend log can be created with initial meter settings. The variable triggered trend log supports the meter change command and meter consumption calculation. You can view the last meter change information on the variable triggered trend log object. Para obtener más información, consulte Función Contador .

  • Trend Log Types
  • Creating a Variable Triggered Trend Log
  • Configuring a Variable Triggered Trend Log
  • Trend Units
  • Almacenamiento de entradas en el registro
  • Función Contador
  • Variable Triggered Trend Log Properties – Basic Tab
  • Variable Triggered Trend Log Properties – Meter Info Tab
  • References Tab
  • Registros de tendencias ampliados