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Explicación de procesos

Explicación de procesos

Productos WebStation
Funcionalidades: Alarmas
Versión del producto: 1.8, 1.9

Visualización de los detalles de la alarma

Puede usar el cuadro de diálogo Detalles de alarma para acceder rápidamente a todos los detalles de una alarma.

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To quickly get all the details of a specific alarm or event in WorkStation, or an alarm in WebStation, you can use a Detail view. The Detail view always displays all properties that can be added and displayed in the Alarms pane, Events pane, Alarm View or Event View.

Alarm and Event Details in WorkStation

In WorkStation, you use the Detail view to display all the properties and their values for the selected alarm or event.

Use the Quick filter to limit the number of properties listed in the view.

action_zoom_plus_stroke The Alarm Detail view (to the right) in WorkStation
Figura: The Alarm Detail view (to the right) in WorkStation
action_zoom_plus_stroke The Event Detail view (to the right) in WorkStation
Figura: The Event Detail view (to the right) in WorkStation

Alarm and Event Details in WebStation

In WebStation, you use the Detail view to display all the properties and their values for the selected alarm or event.

Using the up and down arrows you can step through all alarms in the Alarm View in the Alarm details dialog box.

action_zoom_plus_stroke The Details dialog box in WebStation
Figura: The Details dialog box in WebStation

Para ver los detalles de la alarma
  • En WebStation, en la vista Alarma, haga clic con el botón derecho del ratón sobre la alarma y, a continuación, haga clic en Detalles de alarma .

  • Alarm and Event Details
  • Alarms Pane and Alarm View
  • Alarms Pane Shortcut Menu
  • Cuadro de diálogo Detalles de alarma