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Prodotti: WorkStation, WebStation
Funzionalità: Funzionalità di base
Versione del prodotto: 1.8, 1.9

Cambio di aree di lavoro

Puoi cambiare di area di lavoro quando desideri utilizzare un'altra area di lavoro, come un'area con funzionalità predefinita.

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The workspace in WorkStation and WebStation is the area where you perform all tasks at your site, such as acknowledging alarms and viewing trend logs.

The workspace is made up of different components, such as panes, lists, and views. These components can be configured in a number of different ways. You can hide or display components and create and save your own workspace. You can also reset the workspace layout to the default layout for the user group your user account belongs to.

WebStation uses cookies to remember your workspace when you log off. When you log on again, you get the workspace you used when you logged off. If you clear your web browser, you will regain the default workspace.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Workspace in WorkStation (left) and WebStation (right)
Figura: Workspace in WorkStation (left) and WebStation (right)

Some objects have specific views in WorkStation and WebStation:

  • Alarms

  • Documents

  • Graphics (TGML)

  • Events

  • Trend Charts

  • Trend Log Lists

  • Schedules

  • Calendars

  • Watch

When you open an object that does not have a specific view, the Properties dialog box for that object is displayed.


Panels are a way to create workspaces that display two or more components in Building Operation, for example graphics, trend charts, trend list and alarm views.

Per maggior informazioni, consulta Pannelli .

Web Pages

Web pages on the Internet can be displayed in the Workspace in Building Operation.

Per maggior informazioni, consulta Pagine web .

Per cambiare aria di lavoro
  • In WorkStation o WebStation, nel menù Visualizza , punta il cursore su Aree di lavoro , quindi fai clic sull'area di lavoro alla quale desideri passare.

  • Workspaces
  • Accedi a WorkStation o WebStation
  • Accesso a WorkStation come utente di Building Operation
  • Accesso a WorkStation come altro utente Windows
  • Salvataggio delle informazioni di accesso
  • Selezione di un'area di lavoro predefinita
  • Disconnessione da WorkStation
  • Uscire da WorkStation
  • Modifica della password