EcoStruxure Building Operation WebReports is installed using an installation package. Before you install WebReports, you must ensure that the computer on which you want to install WebReports (the Reports Server) meets the hardware and software requirements for WebReports, and that you have installed or enabled certain prerequisite items of software. These requirements are covered in the installation workflow (introduced in this topic).
The WebReports Installer is a custom installer program that performs installation, prevalidation, and configuration of WebReports components. The WebReports Installer is delivered in an installation package, and the installation package has the format SE.SBO.WebReports-x.x.xxxxx.xxxx.exe. When you run the installation package, the WebReports Installer and accompanying files are placed in /Program Files (x86)/Schneider Electric StruxureWare/Building Operation WebReports Installation by default. The WebReports Installer will automatically run to install the WebReports when you run the installation package.
Für weitere Informationen siehe WebReports Installer and WebReports Components .
Install WebReports on the Reports Server, which is the computer where you install SQL Server.
Für weitere Informationen siehe Reports Server Configuration .
The WebReports installation workflow provides a guide to overall WebReports installation.
Für weitere Informationen siehe WebReports Installation WorkFlow .
The WebReports installation requires you to select certain roles and services to install on the Application Server and the Web Server (IIS), and to install .NET Framework 3.5 and .NET Framework 4.5 features. You install these roles and features using the Server Manager in Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, or Windows Server 2012 R2. For Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10, you configure IIS using Control Panel. It is recommended that you install these roles and features before you install SQL Server.
Für weitere Informationen siehe Windows Roles and Features .
SQL Server provides the platform for the Reporting Services database and the Reports database. You cannot install WebReports until you first create your Reports Server by installing a supported version of SQL Server.
Für weitere Informationen siehe SQL Server .
Before you can install WebReports successfully, it is imperative that the SQL Server has been installed with a particular group of settings.
Für weitere Informationen siehe SQL Server Installation Settings .
To uninstall WebReports, you use the Windows Add Remove Program tool. The Windows Add Remove Program tool permanently removes the Building Operation product from the computer or server.
Für weitere Informationen siehe WebReports Uninstall .