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Produkte: WebReports
Funktionen: Berichte
Produktversion: 1.8, 1.9

WebReports Installation WorkFlow

The WebReports installation workflow provides a guide to overall WebReports installation.

The flowchart describes the basic steps in the correct order required for a successful installation of WebReports. Each step in the flowchart is covered under a sub-heading in this topic or described by way of the related links below.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Webreports overall installation flowchart
Abbildung: Webreports overall installation flowchart
Check installation requirements

Details of the hardware and software requirements of the Reports Server are contained in the Reports Server specification sheet. Für weitere Informationen siehe Reports Server .

Configure Windows Roles and Features

Using the Server Manager in Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, or Windows Server 2012 R2, add the IIS server role, select the role services, install .NET Framework 3.5, and .NET Framework 4.5 features.

For Windows Server 2008, add the IIS server role, select the role services, and then add the .NET Framework 3.5.1 features.

Für weitere Informationen siehe Windows Roles and Features .

Install SQL Server

Download SQL Server and then configure the installation settings for WebReports.

Für weitere Informationen siehe SQL Server Installation Settings .

Install WebReports

Install WebReports on the same computer where you installed SQL Server.

Für weitere Informationen siehe Installing WebReports .

  • WebReports Overview
  • WebReports Installation Overview
  • Reports Server
  • Windows Roles and Features
  • SQL Server Installation Settings
  • Installing WebReports
  • Detaching a WebReports Database
  • Attaching a WebReports Database