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Prodotti: AS-C, AS-B, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Project Configuration Server, Project Configuration Tool
Funzionalità: Funzionalità di base
Versione del prodotto: 1.8

Building Operation Overview

StruxureWare Building Operation is an integration platform for monitoring, control, and management of energy, lighting, fire safety, security and HVAC.

Work Interface Overview

You use interfaces to set up, manage and operate Building Operation on a daily basis.

Per maggior informazioni, consulta Work Interface Overview .

Server Overview

SmartStruxure servers, Project Configuration Servers, License servers, and Reports servers are used to engineer and supervise building automation systems.

Per maggior informazioni, consulta SmartStruxure Server Overview .

Function Overview

Building Operation gives you a number of functions to monitor and manage your facilities.

Per maggior informazioni, consulta Function Overview .

Engineering Tools Overview

You engineer your system using the engineering tools.

Per maggior informazioni, consulta Engineering Tools Overview .

Protocol Overview

Building Operation supports the major communication protocols in building automation and security management.

Per maggior informazioni, consulta Protocols Overview .

Hardware Overview

The Schneider Electric hardware devices for SmartStruxure solution include SmartStruxure server devices, PS-24V power supply, and I/O modules.

Per maggior informazioni, consulta Hardware Overview .

Licensing, Installation, and Localization Overview

To be able to run Building Operations you need to install and licensing the software.

Per maggior informazioni, consulta Licensing, Installation, and Localization Overview .

System Registration Overview

Registering your Building Operation system ensures that you get better services, warranty, and critical system information.

Per maggior informazioni, consulta Panoramica della registrazione del sistema .

System Upgrade Overview

A system upgrade can include an Enterprise Server, Reports Server, one or more SmartStruxure server devices and WorkStations, and the supporting administrator software, such as Device Administrator.

Per maggior informazioni, consulta System Upgrade Overview .

  • Work Interface Overview
  • SmartStruxure Server Overview
  • Function Overview
  • Engineering Tools Overview
  • Protocols Overview
  • Hardware Overview
  • Licensing, Installation, and Localization Overview
  • Panoramica della registrazione del sistema
  • System Upgrade Overview