You commission the following Zigbee high security devices from the Commission mobile application when Zigbee network and logical devices are configured on your BACnet/IP controller:
SE8000 Series Controllers
Device level support is not available in the Commission mobile application unless you first configure the BACnet/IP controller to include Zigbee. You can do so either directly from WorkStation or from an application image which has been downloaded to the controller.
In the Commission mobile application, click I/O Checkout .
On the I/O Resources page, click Zigbee High Security Network .
Click Add/Remove Trusted Devices .
Enter the IEEE Address and Install Code of the sensor in order permit a join on the Zigbee network.
Click Add to List to add the sensor as a trusted device.
Click Scan QR Code .
This step is only available for Android and iOS. On Windows 10, you need to manually enter the IEEE Address and Install Code.
Click Clear List if you want to clear the trusted device list without affecting any of the devices currently joined to the network.
Clearing the device list only affects devices added to the list, but not yet joined to the network.
In the Device List view, click Start Join to join the devices to the network once they have been added to the trusted device list.
For more information, see Commissioning Zigbee Devices from the Commission Mobile Application .