You create an alarm triggered notification to notify users when an alarm condition is met.
In WorkStation, in the System Tree pane, click the folder where you want to add the alarm triggered notification.
On the File menu, point to New and then click Notification .
In the Create Object wizard, at the Choosing the Type and Naming the Object page, in the object type list, select Alarm Triggered Notification .
In the Name box, type a name for the alarm triggered notification.
In the Description box, type a description for the alarm triggered notification.
Click Next .
At the Configure Alarm Triggered Notification page, in the Status box, select Disabled to deactivate the notification function.
In the Activation schedule box, enter the schedule that contains the value that activates the notification.
In the Schedule value when active box, enter the value, generated by the connected schedule in the value property, that activates the notification. Więcej informacji zawiera Schedule Types .
To add a notification report the notification, in the Report template box, enter the path to the notification report template. Więcej informacji zawiera Notification Reports .
In the Decimal symbol box, select the decimal symbol to be used in the notification and notification report.
To localize the notification, in the Localization box, select a language among the language packs installed on the EcoStruxure BMS server.
In the System of measurements , select the system of measurements to be used in the notification report.
In the Report format , select the format of the notification report.
In the XLSX template box, enter the path to the XSLX notification report template.
In the Notification text box, enter and edit the notification text.
You can use substitution codes, blank spaces, blank rows, and all printable characters in the notification text.
From the list of substitution codes, drag the substitution codes you want to use in the notification text to the Notification text box.
In the Substitute missing data with box, type the text that is displayed when a value is missing.
In the Distribution method pane, click the Add button
You can distribute the same notification in more than one way.
To add a Client distribution method, in the Create Object dialog box, select Client and complete the following steps:
In the Name box, type a name for the distribution method.
In the Description box, type a description for the distribution method.
Click Create .
To add an Email distribution method, in the Create Object dialog box, select Email and complete the following steps:
In the Name box, type a name for the distribution method.
In the Description box, type a description for the distribution method.
Click Next .
In the Subject box, type a subject that is displayed in the 'Subject' row of the email.
In the To users and groups box, enter the EcoStruxure Building Operation users or user groups to whom the email notification is to be sent. Więcej informacji zawiera Users and Groups Dialog Box .
In the To email address box, type the email address of an alternative recipient.
Select Send as attachment to send the notification as an attachment to the email.
In the Attachment filename box, type the name of the attachment file.
Click the Configure button
In the Convert to PDF box, select True to convert your notification report to PDF format.
Select Sign PDF box to sign your PDF. Sign PDF requires a license. If no valid license is available, the PDF is generated, but not signed.
In the PDF paper size box, select the size of the paper you want to use for display and print.
In the PDF paper orientation box, select the orientation of the page in display and print.
Click Create .
A user account can have two email addresses: home and work. Only the work email address is used for email distribution of notifications. However, email notifications are sent only when the account has a work email address.
The email cannot be sent if the user does not have permission to the triggered alarm.
To add an SNMP distribution method, in the Create Object dialog box, select SNMP and complete the following steps:
In the Name box, type a name for the distribution method.
In the Description box, type a description for the distribution method.
In the Address box, type the address to the SNMP manager that receives the notification.
Click Next .
In the Port box, type the port that is used by the SNMP manager that receives the notification.
In the User name box, type the user name of the user on the SNMP manager that receives the notification.
In the Security level box, select the security level.
In the Authentication protocol box, select the authentication level.
In the Authentication password box, enter the password of the user on the SNMP manager that is to receive the notification.
In the Confirm password box, type the password again.
In the Privacy encryption protocol box, enter the privacy encryption protocol of the user on the SNMP manager that is to receive the notification.
In the Privacy password box, enter the privacy password used to encrypt the message being sent.
In the Confirm password box, type the password again.
Click Create .
To add a Write to file distribution method, in the Create Object dialog box, select Write to file and complete the following steps:
In the Name box, type a name for the distribution method.
In the Description box, type a description for the distribution method.
Click Next .
In the File name box, type a name for the file.
Click the Configure button
In the Uniqueness box, select whether to append or prepend a timestamp to the file name, or generate the file without any timestamp.
In the Timestamp format box, type the format of date and time that you want to use.
In the Overwrite box, select True to overwrite the file when a new file is generated.
In the Convert to PDF box, select True to convert your notification report to PDF format.
Select Sign PDF box to sign your PDF. Sign PDF requires a license. If no valid license is available, the PDF is generated, but not signed.
In the PDF paper size box, select the size of the paper you want to use for display and print.
In the PDF paper orientation box, select the orientation of the page in display and print.
Click Create .
In the Notify on transition to boxes, select the alarm states that trigger the notification.
Click the Add button
Click Create .