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Produkty: AS-B, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P
Funkcje: Trendy
Wersja produktu: 3.2, 3.3, 2022

Importing Log Data to a Trend Log

You import trend log data to move trend log data between systems.

The log data import file must be created on a computer that uses Windows default regional settings.

Pokaż więcej

You use trend logs to record values, such as a sensor. A trend log can also log consumptions, such as energy consumption or water consumption.

You can view a trend log as a trend log list or as a trend chart.

action_zoom_plus_stroke A trend list (upper left) and a trend chart (bottom right) in WorkStation
Rysunek: A trend list (upper left) and a trend chart (bottom right) in WorkStation

You can copy trend data between EcoStruxure BMS databases by exporting trend log data from a trend log list to an .XML file and then importing the trend log data from the .XML file to a trend log.

The .XML file contains a time stamp, value, and comment for each record. The file also contains the locale setting that you can edit in the .XML file.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Trend log list exported to an .XML file
Rysunek: Trend log list exported to an .XML file

Więcej informacji zawiera Importing Log Data to a Trend Log .

Trend Charts

Trend charts are a way to graphically present trend logs. A trend chart can contain one or more trend logs that are represented in the trend chart by lines or bars.

Więcej informacji zawiera How Trend Charts Work .

Trend Log Lists in WorkStation

A trend log list displays all values in the trend log in a list.

Więcej informacji zawiera Trend Log Lists in WorkStation .

Trend Log Lists in WebStation

A trend log list displays all values in the trend log in a list.

Więcej informacji zawiera Trend Log Lists in WebStation .

Trend Logs in WebStation

A trend log is a collection of time-stamp values. In WebStation, you can create a trend log from a value or from a property in an object.

Więcej informacji zawiera How Trend Logs Work in WebStation .

To import log data to a trend log
  1. In WorkStation, in the System Tree pane, select the trend log to which you want to import log records.

  2. On the Actions menu, point to Modification and then click Import log data .

  3. Select the .XML file you want to import.

  4. Click Open .

The imported log data is displayed in the trend log list view of the trend log.

  • How Trend Logs Work
  • Trend Log Lists in WorkStation
  • Actions Menu – Modification Submenu
  • Exporting a Trend Log List to XML format
  • Viewing a Trend Log in a Temporary Trend Log List