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How to

How to

Products: Commission, IP-IO , MP-C, MP-V
Functionalities: Engineering
Product version: 2.0, 2.1

Restarting a SmartX IP Controller

Using the Device Restart function of the eCommission SmartX Controllers mobile application, you can perform a warm or cold restart of the SmartX IP controller.

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You can use the Device Restart function of the eCommission SmartX Controllers mobile application to perform a restart of the SmartX IP controller. Two types of restart are possible, Warm Restart and Cold Restart . Most of the actions performed by these restart types are the same, except one:

  • Actions common to both types:

    • The restart instructs a BACnet device to to reboot itself.

    • The device retains all configuration data.

    • Retention of run-time data, including values, is dependent on the default or user-defined retention configuration.

    • Trend data is restored, following the restart.

  • Actions that differ between the two types:

    • Warm Restart - Activates any pending changes to the network settings, such as IP assignment and IP address.

    • Cold Restart - Does not activate any pending changes to the network settings.

For more information, see Restarting a SmartX IP Controller .

To restart a SmartX IP controller
  1. In the Device List view, select the SmartX IP controller you want to restart and then tap NEXT .


    The Device List view has filters that allow you to easily find and select the controller:

    • If you are logged in as a Flow Balancer, the device list is automatically filtered to show only MP-V controllers.

    • If you are logged in as a Technician or Electrician, you can sort the list of discovered devices by controller model.

  2. In the Device Settings view, tap the Menu button


  3. Tap Device Restart .

  4. In the Type of Restart dialog box, tap either Warm Start or Cold Start to begin the type of restart you want to perform with the controller.


    You cannot perform a warm or cold restart with a controller that is hosted. Unhost the controller before performing a warm or cold restart.

    For more information, see Unhosting a SmartX IP Controller .

  5. In the Restart Status dialog box, you can follow the restart process.

The controller is restarted and its functionality is restored.

  • Device Restart
  • Unhosting a SmartX IP Controller