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User Interface

User Interface

Products: SpaceLogic Sensors
Functionalities: Hardware, LCD
Product version: 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2

SmartX Sensor LCD Temperature Sensor Model- Degree Type Screen

Use the SmartX Sensor LCD Temperature Sensor model Degree Type screen to view and configure the degree type setting.

action_zoom_plus_stroke SmartX Sensor LCD Temperature Sensor Model - degree type screen
Figure: SmartX Sensor LCD Temperature Sensor Model - degree type screen

Table: SmartX Sensor LCD Temperature Sensor Model- Degree Type Screen




Idenfies the screen as the degree type screen.

Degree type setting

Displays the current degree type setting:

  • C: Celsius

  • F: Fahrenheit

You can change the degree type to view the temperature in the desired unit using the interface buttons.

For more information, see SmartX Sensor LCD Temperature Sensor Model- Default Screen .

For more information, see Changing the Degree Type .

  • SmartX Sensor LCD Temperature Sensor Model
  • SmartX Sensor LCD Temperature Sensor Model- Default Screen
  • SmartX Sensor LCD Temperature Sensor Model- Home Screen
  • SmartX Sensor LCD Temperature Sensor Model- Fan Speed Screen
  • SmartX Sensor LCD Temperature Sensor Model- Heating and Cooling Mode Screen
  • SmartX Sensor LCD Temperature Sensor Model- Occupancy Mode Screen
  • Changing the Temperature Setpoint
  • Changing the Fan Speed
  • Changing Heating and Cooling Mode Settings
  • Changing the Occupancy Mode
  • Changing the Degree Type