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Produkty: Operator Display
Funkcje: Harmonogramy
Wersja produktu: 3.3, 2022, 2023, 2024, 7.0

Adding a Weekly Event

You add a weekly event to a schedule to control the state of an analog, digital or multi-state value.

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A weekly event occurs every week for an extended period of time. You can schedule more than one weekly event for each day of the week.


While weekly events cannot overlap, exception events can. Więcej informacji zawiera Exception Events .

action_zoom_plus_stroke Weekly events
Rysunek: Weekly events

If there are any non-routine events, such as holidays, you can use exception events to override the weekly events in the schedule. Więcej informacji zawiera Exception Events .

To add a weekly event
  1. In Operator Display, on the Device List screen, tap the arrow button

    to select the device with the schedule to which you want to add a weekly event.

  2. On the Device screen, tap the Schedules arrow button


  3. On the Schedules screen, tap the schedule to which you want to add a weekly event.

  4. On the schedule view screen, tap the add event button


  5. On the Add schedule event screen, tap Weekly .

  6. On the Add weekly event screen, select the event value:

    • For analog, multi-state and enumerated schedules: In the Value box, tap + or - to specify the value of the event.

    • For digital schedules: Tap Inactive or Active (Off or On).

  7. Select the time span type:

    • Tap All day to make the event span 24 hours.

    • In the From and To boxes: tap + or - to select the starting and ending times.

  8. In the Days of week box, tap the day(s) of the week this event is active.

  9. Tap OK .

  10. On the schedule view screen, tap Save .

  • Schedule Types
  • Weekly Events
  • Analog Schedules
  • Digital Schedules
  • Multi-State/Enumerated Schedules