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How to

How to

Products: AS-B, Edge Server, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Virtual Project Servers
Functionalities: Sustainability
Product version: 7.0

Creating a Meter Processor with Migration from the Newest Meter Log Start Time or the Oldest Meter Log Start Time

Use this procedure when you want to create a meter processor with migration from the newest meter log start time or the oldest meter log start time

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There are three ways to handle data migration when you create a meter processor.

  • No migration

  • Migration from the newest meter start time

  • Migration from the oldest meter log start time

action_zoom_plus_stroke Meter object data migration in meter processor
Figure: Meter object data migration in meter processor
No migration

Use this procedure if you want to create a meter processor with no migration.

For more information, see Creating a Meter Processor .

Migration from the newest meter log start time or the oldest meter log start time

Use this procedure if you want migration from the newest meter log start time or the oldest meter log start time.

For more information, see Creating a Meter Processor with Migration from the Newest Meter Log Start Time or the Oldest Meter Log Start Time .

To create a meter processor with migration from the newest meter log start time or the oldest meter log start time
  1. In WorkStation, in the System Tree pane, select the EcoStruxure BMS server or folder where you want to create the meter processor.

  2. On the File menu click New object .

  3. In the list, expand Meter .

  4. Select Meter Processor .

  5. Name the meter processor.

  6. Click Edit in wizard .

  7. Click the Add button

    to add a meter.

  8. Click Create .

  9. Click the Edit button


  10. Configure the Properties - Meter dialog box.

    For more information, see Meter Processor Properties – Input Dialog Box .

  11. Click OK .

  12. Repeat the step above if you want to add more meter objects to the meter processor.

  13. In the Meter unit list, select to the meter unit.

  14. In the Interval list , enter the interval.

  15. In the Log size list, enter the log size.

  16. In the Migration type list, select how you want to migrate data from the meter objects.

    For more information, see Meter Object Data Migration in Meter Processor .

  17. Click Create .

  • Energy Consumption Overview
  • Meter Object Data Migration in Meter Processor
  • Meter Processor – Basic Tab
  • Meter Processor – Outputs Tab