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Produits : AS-L, AS-B, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Project Configuration Tool
Fonctionnalités : Fonctionnalité de base
Version produit : 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1

Configuring the Target of a Shortcut

Shortcuts created using the File-New submenu or the Context menu New command are not automatically configured with a target, therefore you must configure the target manually.

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When you have created a shortcut in a folder or on an EcoStruxure BMS server using the File-New-Shortcut submenu or the context menu New-Shortcut option, you must then also assign a target to the shortcut. It is not necessary to assign a target to a shortcut after using any other shortcut creation method.

When you delete a target object, the forward reference in all shortcuts referencing that target object is removed. Also, the shortcut object icon changes to display the shortcut overlay icon only (a small arrow in a square).

When you delete a shortcut object, the (backwards) reference held in the target object is removed.

When you move a target object, the shortcuts referencing that target are updated with the new target path in their (forward) target object reference. When you move a shortcut object, the (backwards) reference held in the target object is updated with the new path.

When you rename a target object, the shortcuts referencing that target are updated with the new target path. If you rename a shortcut object, the (backwards) reference held in the target object is updated with the new path.

When you duplicate a shortcut object, the (backwards) reference held in the common target object is updated with the additional path to the new shortcut. Pour plus d'informations, voir Configuring the Target of a Shortcut .

To configure the target of a shortcut
  1. In WorkStation, in the System Tree pane, right-click the shortcut object and select Shortcut Properties .

  2. Click the Basic tab.

  3. In the Target box, enter the path of the target object.

  4. Click OK .

  • Shortcut Targets
  • Shortcut Properties – Basic Tab