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产品: AS-B, Edge Server, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Project Configuration Tool
功能: 用户管理
产品版本: 2024, 7.0

Creating a Workspace

You create a customized workspace so that the WorkStation ​windows and panes are tailored to meet the operational needs of a user or a user account group.


You need to log off from the EcoStruxure BMS server for the changes to take effect.


​A workspace consists of panes, windows, and a work area that can be customized to suit a user's specific needs. Dialog boxes are presented on top of the workspace.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Workspace components
图: Workspace components

WorkStation positions panes at the edges of the main window. You can lock, release, and move these components to another location. You can also display and stack several panes on top of each other.

The EcoStruxre Building Operation software provides several predefined workspace panes, which are accessible through the View menu:

  • System Tree pane

  • Watch

  • Events

  • Alarms

Workspace Customization

You customize the workspace layout to control access and meet the specific requirements of a user account group. For example, you hide or show panes and toolbars. You can save a workspace layout on the EcoStruxure BMS server. In this case, the layout becomes the default workspace layout for all users in the user account group the workspace belongs to. Workspaces are task oriented, which means that a user can switch workspaces during a single WorkStation session.

有关更多信息,请参阅 Workspace Customization .

Workspace Content References

Workspace content references are used to customize the workspace by referring the content you want to display in the workspace panes and Work Area window.

有关更多信息,请参阅 Workspace Content References .

Panel Components

You use a panel to combine different viewable windows, for example, a graphic, trend chart, report, or another panel into a seamless view. A panel consists of one or several panes and one work area.  The panel is available through the System Tree pane and opens as a window in the work area of the current workspace.

有关更多信息,请参阅 Panel Components .

To create a workspace
  1. In WorkStation, in the System Tree pane, select the EcoStruxure BMS server you want to configure.

  2. Click the Control Panel tab.

  3. Click Account management .

  4. In the Domain box, select the domain where you want to create the workspace.

  5. In the Workspaces area, click Add .

  6. In the Create Object dialog box, in the Name box, type a name for the workspace.

  7. In the Description box, type a description for the workspace.

  8. Click Next .

  9. In the Workspace Configuration page, select Visible to display the standard toolbars and menus in the workspace.

  10. In the Root path (Applies to Address Bar and System Tree) box, type the path to the folder that you want to be the root folder for the System Tree and the Address bar.

  11. Click the Add button

    to add panes to the workspace.

  12. In the Create Object dialog box, in the object type list, select the type of pane you want to add to the Work area.

  13. In the Name box, type a name for the pane.

  14. In the Description box, type a description for the pane.

  15. Click Next .

  16. In the Pane Configuration page, in the Default dock position box, select the location of the pane for display in the WorkStation window.

  17. In the Default visibility box, select Hidden to make the pane available only from the View menu and not open in the Work area.

  18. In the Display name box, type the name to be displayed on the pane.

  19. In the Initial path box, enter the path to the object you want to display in the pane.

  20. Click Create .

  21. In the Workspace wizard, click Create .

  • Workspace Components and Customization
  • Adding a Component to a Workspace
  • Removing a Component from a Workspace
  • Editing the Description of a Workspace
  • Editing the Layout of a Workspace
  • Workspace – Content Tab
  • Workspace – Summary Tab
  • Edit Layout Workspace
  • Workspace Components and Customization