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Produits : WebStation
Fonctionnalités : Tendances
Version produit : 1.8, 1.9, 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 2022, 2023, 2024, 7.0
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Masquage d'une série dans une courbe de tendance

Quand vous voulez vous concentrer sur une série d'enregistrements de journal de tendance spécifique, vous pouvez masquer les autres séries de la courbe.

Afficher plus

Trend charts are a way to graphically present trend logs. A trend chart can contain one or more trend logs that are represented in the trend chart by lines or bars.

You can also add and remove trend logs from a trend chart. This makes it easy to compare different trend logs, for example the energy consumption compared to the average temperature.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Trend chart in WorkStation
Figure : Trend chart in WorkStation

Trend Chart Navigation in WorkStation

The trend chart contains a lot of tools for easy navigation in the chart. You can scroll or use the predefined settings to focus on the time span you want to see.

Pour plus d'informations, voir Trend Chart Navigation in WorkStation .

Trend Chart Navigation in WebStation

The trend chart contains a lot of tools for easy navigation in the chart. You can scroll or use the predefined settings to focus on the time span you want to see.

Pour plus d'informations, voir Trend Chart Navigation in WebStation .

Trend Chart Series in WorkStation

You can display the trend logs as trend log series in a trend chart in a number of ways. For example, you can change the color and weight of the trend log line, or display markers at the time where the trend log value was sampled.

Pour plus d'informations, voir Trend Chart Series in WorkStation .

Trend Chart Series in WebStation

You can display the trend logs as trend log series in a trend chart in a number of ways. For example, you can change the color and weight of the trend log line, or display markers at the time where the trend log value was sampled.

Pour plus d'informations, voir Trend Chart Series in WebStation .

Trend Chart Axes in WebStation

​A trend chart displays the records of a trend log or an extended trend log as a series.

Pour plus d'informations, voir Trend Charts .

Pour masquer une série dans une courbe de tendance
  1. Dans WebStation, dans le volet Arborescence du système , sélectionnez la courbe de tendance.

  2. Cliquez avec le bouton droit sur la série de tendances que vous voulez masquer.

  3. Désactivez l'option Visible .

  • Trend Chart Series in WebStation
  • How Trend Charts Work
  • Displaying Specific Time Spans of a Trend Chart
  • Changing the Line Weight of a Trend Chart Series
  • Changing the Color of a Trend Chart Series
  • Changing the Presentation Type of a Trend Chart Series
  • Showing Markers in a Trend Log Series
  • Ajout d'une série de journaux de tendance à une courbe de tendance
  • Show Tooltips for All Series in a Trend Chart
  • Removing a Trend Chart Series
  • Saving Current Trend Chart Settings
  • Trend Chart View
  • Menu Série de la courbe de tendance