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Prodotti: WorkStation
Funzionalità: Funzionalità di base
Versione del prodotto: 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 2022, 2023

Salvataggio delle informazioni di accesso

Per un accesso più rapido, utilizza la funzione Ricordami per inserire automaticamente le informazioni di accesso.

  • Per ragioni di sicurezza, la tua password non viene inserita automaticamente.

Mostra di più

You log on to WorkStation or WebStation to securely access the EcoStruxure Building Operation functions.

Log on to WorkStation

You log on to WorkStation with your current Windows credentials, as another Windows user, or as an EcoStruxure Building Operation user. Your system administrator decides which type of user you log on as. ​

To log on to WorkStation using an EcoStruxure Building Operation account, you need to know the following account information:

  • User name

  • Password

  • Domain

  • EcoStruxure BMS server

To log on to WorkStation using a Windows account, you need to know the EcoStruxure BMS server.

The account information for both the EcoStruxure Building Operation account and the Windows account is provided by the system administrator.


​​Ensure that you have a working and available WorkStation license. A working license is required to log on to WorkStation. Per maggior informazioni, consulta EcoStruxure Building Operation Software Licensing Installation and Location .

Remember me on this computer

For a faster log on in Workstation, use the Remember me feature to automatically fill in your user name, password, domain and server. Both Building Operation users and Windows users can use the Remember me feature.

Add a display name of the server address

When you log on to a new server, its IP address is added to the server list. You can add a display name of the server address to make it easier to find your server in the list.

Log on to WebStation

To log on to WebStation, you need to know the following account information:

  • User name

  • Password

  • Domain

  • EcoStruxure BMS server

The account information for your account is provided by the system administrator.

Per salvare le tue informazioni di accesso
  1. Nel finestra di benvenuto, seleziona Ricordati di me su questo computer .

  2. Fai clic su Accesso .

  • Log on to WorkStation or WebStation
  • Accesso a WorkStation come utente di EcoStruxure Building Operation
  • Accesso a WorkStation come altro utente Windows
  • Selezione di un'area di lavoro predefinita
  • Cambio di aree di lavoro
  • Disconnessione da WorkStation
  • Uscire da WorkStation
  • Changing Your Password
  • Building Operation WorkStation Window