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产品: AS-B, Edge Server, Device Administrator, AS-P
功能: 硬件, 许可证管理
产品版本: 2023

Sending the Response Files to the Automation Server

You send the response files to the automation servers to complete the offline activation of licenses. The computer is connected to the automation servers but not connected to Internet.


Device Administrator is used to manage licenses on automation servers.

Software and Features that Require Licenses

A number of software features need licenses.

有关更多信息,请参阅 Software and Features that Require Licenses .

Entitlements, Products, and Licenses

Licenses are bought as products and delivered in Entitlements. An Entitlement is a container that can contain several products. The products contain the licenses and they can differ in quantity and contents.

Automation Server Licensing Workflow

Use one of these workflows, depending on if the automation servers are connected or not connected to the Internet.

有关更多信息,请参阅 Automation Server Licensing on Automation Servers Connected to Internet Workflow .

有关更多信息,请参阅 Automation Server Licensing on Automation Servers not Connected to Internet Workflow .


It is recommended to use HTTPS for the communication between Device Administrator and automation servers when you manage licenses.

有关更多信息,请参阅 Certificates Managed using Device Administrator .

Return Licenses on SpaceLogic Automation Servers

You can return licenses from automation servers.

有关更多信息,请参阅 Return Licenses on SpaceLogic Automation Servers .

To send response files to the Automation server
  1. In Device Administrator, click Servers .

  2. Select Show licenses .

  3. Select the automation servers.

  4. Click Offline Step 3 - Send response files to the selected automation server s.

  5. Click OK .

  6. In the Select the zip file that contains the response files you want to send , select the response files.

  7. Click Send .

  • Automation Server Licensing Overview
  • Automation Server Licensing on Automation Servers not Connected to Internet Workflow
  • Send Response Files to Automation Servers Dialog Box
  • Creating the Request Files
  • Activating Request Files to Receive Response Files