EcoStruxure Building Operation WebStation 是一个基于 web 的用户界面,用于 EcoStruxure BMS 中的日常管理。WebStation 内置于每一个 EcoStruxure BMS 服务器中,允许用户从世界各地访问软件。
WebStation 可提供丰富且响应快速的用户界面,以在 Windows PC、Mac OS 计算机、Android 和 iOS 平板电脑和智能手机使用基于 Web 的浏览器访问 EcoStruxure BMS 服务器。用户可以查看和管理仪表板、幻灯片、图形、警报、时间表、趋势日志和用户帐户。
EcoStruxure Building Operation 软件具有一组内置组件,用于实时和历史数据的可视化,包括用于报警和事件统计的交互式小部件,以帮助管理报警。对于有其他要求的客户,可使用强大的图形功能开发自定义仪表板组件。
With the support for semantic modelling using Brick Schema in EcoStruxure Building Operation, WorkStation and WebStation provide users with enhanced contextual information. Using Brick Schema, users can easily see where alarms originate from, what areas are affected and where to find root causes. The system can be navigated, searched, and filtered using understandable information about locations, equipment, point types and their relationships. WorkStation and WebStation also provide automatically generated alarm views, trend charts and schedule views for the modelled entities. For example, when selecting a floor in a building, the system automatically provides an alarm view filtered for alarms that originate from sources that are related to that floor.
EcoStruxure BMS 要求每位用户都有一个帐户。用户可通过一个由 EcoStruxure Building Operation 数据库维护的帐户或通过 Windows 活动目录帐户来访问。支持并实行密码格式化、时限和唯一性的策略。访问权限可以根据计划和/或客户端 IP 地址进行分配。
WebStation 能够通过可选分区插件许可证实现非常容易地重新配置联网房间解决方案功能。图形或表格视图可实现从任何 Web 浏览器设备快速编辑 HVAC、百叶窗和照明如何在房间控制器范围内或各房间控制器之间实现同步。
软件将显示的语言、测量系统以及日期/时间格式更改为操作系统设置。可以 WebStation 中方便地切换语言和测量系统。WebStation 的翻译以易于安装和部署的单独的语言包的形式提供。支持超过 40 种预置数据和时间格式。管理员可以配置本地化默认设置,以避免最终用户不得不编辑区域设置。
该软件具有可完全自定义各个用户的查看偏好的灵活性。在主界面(称为工作区)中,用户可以选择各种组件,如自定义菜单、报警、图形和编辑器。WebStation 无需修改即可支持工作区和面板功能,并可使布局自动适应所用的设备。
报警需要快速评估和响应。通过 WebStation,可采用简单、高效的方式显示报警以确保不忽视任何一个报警。报警可以加颜色编码、分组和筛选以最大化地提高效率。WebStation 甚至可以通过调度中心或经理将报警分配给一个用户或一组用户。利用筛选器,用户可以只查看分配给他们的报警并决定是否接受分配。
报警可根据报警的重要性以不同的细节程度来确认。用户可被要求输入注释或从标准清单中选择以解释这些问题如何解决。WebStation 可向用户提供指引或他们的系统的具体视图,显示受影响的设备详情。审计追踪记录用户的操作。
在 EcoStruxure BMS 中,可以自定义图形以提供有效运行各项设施所需的用户界面。图形存储在本地 EcoStruxure BMS 服务器中,可供从任何地方登录的授权用户使用。
EcoStruxure Building Operation 采用可缩放矢量图技术使用户能够在无损清晰度的情况下放大图形查看细节。图形只需构建一次,却可用于任何尺寸或分辨率的显示器。矢量图文件很小,因此可以直接从 SpaceLogic 自动化服务器存储和提供它们。
标准实时更新只有当字段中的条件发生变化时才显示数值。通过 EcoStruxure Building Operation 软件的超级动态实时更新,图形元素的所有方面可在数值变化时变化。
软件可以通过许多方式绘制数据趋势,包括周期法(每天、小时、分钟)以及只有当定义的阈值被超过时才会记录的数值变化 (COV) 法。这些趋势日志可通过趋势列表和图表来表示,使模式可视化以用于诊断和优化目的。一个图表中可出现多个系列,以便能够轻松地对比数据点。
趋势数据可供以 Excel 文件的形式导出和下载。
WebStation 基于标准的 web 技术,无需在客户端或服务器上进行特殊的配置。平台无关技术使它可以运行于大多数流行的浏览器上。不需要在客户端计算机上安装和维护施耐德电气的特定软件,也无需浏览器插件。
Communication between clients and the EcoStruxure BMS servers can be encrypted using Transport Layer Security (TLS) . The servers are delivered with a default self-signed certificate. Commercial Certification Authority (CA) server certificates are supported to lower the risk of malicious information technology attacks. Use of encrypted communication can be enforced for both WorkStation and WebStation access.
只有当设备在必要时才运行,可以实现能源的有效利用。时间表通过简单易用的图形界面来管理该流程。只需点几下鼠标便可更改时间。强大的时间表编辑器可以设置重复事件(每个星期一、每第三个星期二,或者每年的 1 月 1 日)或者不限数量的优先级例外事件。时间表通过启用模拟数值的直接控制来超越基本的开关控制。例如,用户可将时间表事件设置为百分比来控制照明水平,不需要编写程序。
WebStation 还提供了多个计划的强大组合视图,允许在单个操作中简单地编辑多个计划。
WebStation 提供了一种内置的、快速而简单的方式来查看功能块程序的内容,允许用户获得程序逻辑的更详细视图,包括输入、输出和其他值的实时视图。
Server side | |
请参阅 SpaceLogic AS-P 服务器、SpaceLogic AS-B 服务器、边缘服务器、Enterprise server 和 Enterprise Central 规格表。 | |
Client-side hardware | |
Minimum: 320x568 pixel resolution
Recommended: 1,024x768 pixel resolution, portrait and landscape mode
Other devices
A pointing device such as a mouse or touchscreen.
Client-side software | |
Web browser support | |
Minimum web browser versions required
Google Chrome 61 and later
Mozilla Firefox 60 and later
Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML) 16 and later
Safari 11.1 and later
Recommended web browser versions
Google Chrome 71 and later
Mozilla Firefox 64 and later
Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML) 17 and later
Safari 11.4 and later
Communication (to EcoStruxure BMS servers) | |
Non-binary, port configurable, default 80
Encrypted supporting TLS 1.3, port configurable, default 443
Part numbers | |
Building Operation Client-1, EcoStruxure Building Operation WorkStation Standard or EcoStruxure Building Operation WebStation
For 1 concurrent user
Building Operation Client-1 for Linux, EcoStruxure Building Operation WebStation
For Enterprise Server and Enterprise Central for Linux. For 1 concurrent user.
Building Operation Client-5, EcoStruxure Building Operation WorkStation Standard or EcoStruxure Building Operation WebStation
For 5 concurrent users
Building Operation Client-5 for Linux, EcoStruxure Building Operation WebStation
For Enterprise Server and Enterprise Central for Linux. For 5 concurrent users.
Building Operation Client-10, EcoStruxure Building Operation WorkStation Standard or EcoStruxure Building Operation WebStation
For 10 concurrent users
Building Operation Client-10 for Linux, EcoStruxure Building Operation WebStation
For Enterprise Server and Enterprise Central for Linux. For 10 concurrent users.
Building Operation Client-25, EcoStruxure Building Operation WorkStation Standard or EcoStruxure Building Operation WebStation
For 25 concurrent users
Building Operation Client-25 for Linux, EcoStruxure Building Operation WebStation
For Enterprise Server and Enterprise Central for Linux. For 25 concurrent users.
Building Operation Client-UNL, EcoStruxure Building Operation WorkStation Standard or EcoStruxure Building Operation WebStation
For unlimited concurrent users
Building Operation Client-UNL for Linux, EcoStruxure Building Operation WebStation
For Enterprise Server and Enterprise Central for Linux. For unlimited concurrent users.
Add-on options | |
Building Operation Personal Dashboards option, 1 per server required for users logging on to that server to have Personal Dashboard capabilities
For one Enterprise Server or one Enterprise Central
Building Operation Personal Dashboards option, 1 per server required for users logging on to that server to have Personal Dashboard capabilities
For one Enterprise Server for Linux or one Enterprise Central for Linux
Building Operation Personal Dashboards option, 1 per server required for users logging on to that server to have Personal Dashboard capabilities
For one automation server
Building Operation Zoning option
For one Enterprise Server
Building Operation Zoning option
For one Enterprise Server for Linux
Building Operation Zoning option
For one automation server or Edge Server